Importing NevinhaJs
NevinhaJS works following the architecture of components (lifecycles, states ands props), motions and providers. By default we exports NevinhaComponent, render, NevinhaDOM and ParallaxProvider.
For starting to use, the basics exported variables that you'll need to import, are:
import {NevinhaComponent, render, NevinhaDOM} from 'nevinha-js';
- NevinhaComponent: The component class that is responsible to render your component instance. Every NevinhaComponent instance has it own lifecycle and state methods.
- render: The render method responsable for rendering your component, basically it takes your component markup and send for the Nevinha Js virtual DOM algorithm
- NevinhaDOM The method that converts JSX syntaxe to javascript object literal language. Every JS file that uses JSX syntaxe, needs to import NevinhaDOM method.